Free to a Good Home: Emilie Loring Books

I sat down in a Denver coffee shop recently to visit with Tina Lewis Rowe.


Tina was the first woman to patrol the Denver streets in a police car. Twenty-five years later, she had worked her way to the rank of Captain. By the time of the Oklahoma City bombing, she was the President-appointed Marshal for the United States Federal Court District of Colorado. The procedures she set up when that trial was moved to Denver have been adopted nationwide for similar situations. She speaks, writes, consults and trains to share her expertise.

Tina is a woman of consequence.

public library
She found Emilie Loring’s books in the public library.

She is also a longtime Emilie Loring reader. She read Emilie Loring books first in junior high school, checking them out at her small-town public library. Like many of us, she read the books over and over again over the years.

“Over my life I have owned several collections of Loring hardbacks and
paperbacks, then given them away and gathered more.”

Tina’s daughter grew up reading Emilie Loring books, and together, mother and daughter devised fun ways to enjoy their love of all things Emilie Loring:

“When my daughter was in her teens, we used to have pretend Emilie Loring dialogues. For example, I would stand by the fireplace, looking somber, and my daughter would come in the room and say, ‘Don’t look so sad, dar…….I mean, Cynthia.’

“One time I brought up the subject of making wise decisions about romantic
relationships. She said, ‘All I know is that he can’t be rich, powerful or
handsome.’ We laughed and decided that rich, powerful and handsome would
work OK.

“Our other Loring entertainment was to stand by the bookcase, so we could
remember the titles, and have conversations using as many titles as

So fun! I infuse conversations with lines from Emilie Loring novels, too. The words just pop up sometimes, and non-Emilie-readers never know. Now, I definitely want to try the title game! I hear adventure calling, and if you give me one summer, I’m sure I’ll find bright skies and beckoning trails beyond the sound of guns.

tina lewis rowe
Tina Lewis Rowe

We enjoyed tea with lemon (Tina) and steaming coffee (me), chatted our way through savory eggs and heavenly French toast.

Tina’s purpose, however, was specific. It will be a long time before she considers assisted living, but as suits a woman of action, she wanted to be sure her books got to appreciative owners.

“I’m not interested in selling them, I just want someone to enjoy them.”

Tina’s collection of Emilie Loring hardbacks included early Grosset & Dunlap editions with jackets, later G&D editions without jackets, six of the later books, and several books published for special purposes–a large-print edition and three from a late 1970s run of only 150 books per title.


dust jacket emilie loring books“Some of them have the lovely covers I occasionally see on your website. I
was given those by a woman who was moving into an assisted living residence.
She bought them when she was a young married woman and said she tried to
make her home feel like an Emilie Loring home! She said she was mostly
successful, considering that she never had a cook or housekeeper, and she
felt it had made her life and marriage happier.”

I know the feeling. These become more than books. They are inspiration and reassurance. They are bonds between mothers and daughters, between sisters and best friends. They seem to respond to each stage of our lives. We love them like friends.

I drove away from that meeting last week with Tina’s collection of books in the trunk of my car. Mine is the joy and responsibility of seeing that they get to appreciative homes. In keeping with Tina’s wish, there will be no charge beyond shipping–and the promise to see that they are enjoyed.

I’m not sure exactly how that’s going to happen, but I’ll go as far as I can see, and then I’ll see further. Write to me with your ideas–in the comments below, on our Facebook page, or at:

Thank you, Tina. It’s a great world when keepers of the faith reach a certain crossroad, see a fair tomorrow ahead, and declare to all, “Here comes the sun!”  🙂

Here comes the sun!


33 thoughts on “Free to a Good Home: Emilie Loring Books

  1. Tina Rowe here! How fun to read about our meeting and the transfer of the books!

    I’m still teaching and consulting, although stalled now, for several reasons. On my birthday toward the middle of July, I missed a step and severely fractured my left tibia, fibula and talus. I had fracture blisters and other complications, resulting in two surgeries an extended recovery time. I’m still immobile and will be for several weeks.

    My daughter assures me I have been a brave and gracious Emilie Loring woman, but I worry that I’ve sounded like a whining burden who imposes on others.

    Today I opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand in the guest room where I’ve been given loving and devoted care by my daughter, son-in-law and five year old grandson. I immediately saw the book title: When Hearts Are Light Again. What a treasure!! And the title is appropriate for everything!

    I don’t remember the story, which makes me think it wasn’t a favorite. But I can hardly wait to read it! I’m saving it until late tonight when I know I will need a distraction from the emotional, mental and physical fog that tends to arrive in the wee small hours of the morning. I’m sure Gregory and Gail will be just what I need.

    It also reminded me of you, which is why I came here to visit!

    Best wishes to you and your readers!
    Tina Lewis Rowe


    1. It’s good to hear from you, Tina. I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. Isn’t it amazing how just a few instants can have such long-lasting repercussions? Yay for the care you are receiving from family and also for the presence of “When Hearts Are Light Again.”

      Emilie understood the “fog” of wee small hours of the morning: “Why was it, when one couldn’t sleep, one thought of all the pesky little misfortunes which might occur, instead of radiant possibilities? With the day’s activities returned a Monte Cristo, the world-is-mine, assurance.” (Lighted Windows)

      When next that happens, you can pull out your book and take your time with it; let each description land and each dialogue have its full, dramatic effect. Oh, that sneaky Mark Croston and silly Cissie-Lou! Here’s to thorough healing and pleasant hours with Emilie Loring.


  2. My grandmother introduced Mother to Emilie Loring (1939) and Mother did the same for me (1962). My mother died November, 2019, and I have begun to read through her surviving paperback copies, all crumbling. They take me to a spcialmtime. I would love to have any, any copies and be happy to pay what you need, especially now that I have 5 granddaughters with which to share. Loring opened for me (at 12) windows of honorable adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely story. I am spending this part of the pandemic away from my books. When I return, I do have more copies to distribute, and we can visit about those you might like to read. In the meantime, eBay and e-books are solutions while our used-book stores and flea markets are closed. I hope you find copies; Emilie Loring helped a generation to get through hard times, and I believe she can do that now.


  3. Patti: I am trying to find a large print edition of To Love and To Honor for my mother. If you have come across this book in large print, or know where I could get it, I would be very grateful if you would let me know who to contact. Thanks, Cherrie Wilson

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Patti. Will there be any more Emilie Loring books coming out on Kindle or aren’t there going to be any more electronic editions? Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not privy to the planning. There were to be six books at first, and we have those, so my guess is that they are evaluating their success to see if there will be more. I’ll let you know if I learn more.


  5. Dear Patti,
    I have just read your entry from Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019.

    I have been looking to complete my collection of EL novels for a long time.

    I am missing two:
    To Love and to Honor 1952
    Follow Your Heart 1962

    If either of these titles are available I would gladly send you the shipping costs. I will also make a contribution to my town library’s Friends group.

    Thanks for considering my request.


    Linda Loring Loveland

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Linda, What a nice idea, to contribute to your local library’s Friends group. I’m in DC for all of January. If those titles are among the ones I have, they’ll be on their way to you as soon as I get home. My best to you and Bob!


  6. Tina Lewis Rowe is a “woman of consequence” as you say. What a wonderful gift her collection is. Beautiful books. I love the jacket covers! It helps to visualize characters and dress for the era of a book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sadly, books that leave libraries sometimes end up in the actual trash… hard to even contemplate. Yes! Here or elsewhere, find homes for your duplicates. I have at least four copies of Stars in Your Eyes.


  7. So many times her words of wisdom float through my mind, just when I need them..”things have an unbelievable way of turning out right”..

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi, Patti! Thank you so much for your blog on EL novels, which I discovered today. I recently remembered Emily Loring because my mom, who passed away ten years ago, mentioned one time that I would enjoy Loring’s novels. I found one recently at the local library (When Hearts are Light Again) and Mom was right–they create great characters, realistic circumstances, and entertainment. If you have any still available, I would be most happy to pay shipping. I have a blog, also, devoted primarily to early 19th century female authors (K. Norris. D.E. Stevenson, GLH, etc., authors my mom first introduced me to) and am now trying to learn all I can about EL. My blog is Your blog and the website are very informative and, like Loring’s writing, uplifting, which is a goal I have for my newly-created blog. Thank you so much for your consideration and, especially, for your generosity. What a great service you have done to keep EL’s name and her books before the public.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for your appreciation and the mention on your new blog. The more the merrier! When Hearts Are Light Again is a nice one. I’ve always wanted to see that turquoise outfit that Cissy-Lou wore–and Gale’s flame-red dress! I’ll be announcing ways to “win” Emilie Loring books soon, so stay tuned, and good luck with your blog.


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