Illustrated Emilie Loring Novels!

Trail frontispiece wprDid you know that there are illustrated versions of Emilie Loring’s novels? If you have only read the hardbacks or paperbacks, you’ve missed out. Except for the one, frontispiece illustration from The Trail of Conflict, those only have cover art. But there were other printings–many, in fact–and they were illustrated!

In the 1930s, Penn Publishers signed on with the Western Newspaper Union, which printed Emilie Loring’s novels as multi-part serials in newspapers across the country–Sheboygan, Dayton, Orlando, Fresno… Each installment started with a synopsis from the last and had at least one illustration, sometimes, two.

Check out your local library’s newspaper collection or one of the many, online newspaper databases. Here’s a taste of what you’ll find:

Hilltops Clear, WNU

Emilie LoringA Romance as Refreshing as the Maine Pines which Play Their Own Important Part in the Story.

“Prudence Schuyler came to Prosperity Farm to make a new life for herself and her brother, whose health had been broken by tragedy. The world from which she was running away had taught her to distrust wealthy and presentable young idlers and when Rodney Gerard, their nearest neighbor, proved to be one of the despised clan, she closed her heart against him. But for Rodney she was the only woman in the world, so he set himself to prove to her that even for rich young men marriage can be “forever and forever.

“Do not fail to read “HILLTOPS CLEAR,” which will be published serially in this newspaper.”

1934 SERIAL b benton-scott-county-democrat-Aug-22-1934-p-2
Hilltops Clear, syndicated serial

Prudence Schuyler’s arrival in Maine is anything but welcoming.

A cold, bone-penetrating fog transformed trees into ghostly giants, houses into weird dwarfs and filled the world. Moisture dripped from twigs and branches… The faint far moan of a buoy drifted through the grayness with melancholy monotony. The smell of the sea crept behind the slackly fastened side curtains of the car.  Hilltops Clear

1934 Prue illustration

Her brother’s and sister’s failed marriages have set her against men–and rich men in particular.

Her sister’s pearls! Lovely Julie’s, who had married the son of a multi-millionaire, adoring him, believing in him.  When after two years of marriage she had discovered his unfaithfulness—the treachery of her brother’s wife—she had crumpled, her life had gone out like a candle, and with it the life of her baby.  Hilltops Clear

A fall from the haymow with a skirt full of eggs ruins her plan to ignore Rodney Gerard.

1934 Prue omelette illustration

It was so darn boyish for a man his age; he must be about thirty.  Hilltops Clear

Perhaps he was nice enough, but he had no place in her life. She must work hard to make a living off her land.


1934 idle illustration

Rod helps her to bring her brother home,

She blinked away sudden tears of gratitude as her brother appeared between the snowy trees.  It seemed incredible that the erect, vigorous man in army breeches, high boots, and heavy sweater was the same person whom she and Gerard had tenderly assisted from the black roadster not so many weeks ago.  Hilltops Clear

1934 what happened illustration

and Prue accepts Rod as her partner in the lumber business, where he earns the men’s respect.

Rod a hero

Rod takes Prue and his niece for a respite day at the circus. But an accident under the bigtop reveals what seems like a shady relationship with Milly Gooch, a bareback rider. Prue’s defenses go up again. 

1934 Milly illustration

Feeling herself attracted to Rod, Prue pretends she is interested in Rod’s friend, Jim Armstrong, instead.


Men from the lumber crew try to rob her pearls, but she turns the tables on them.

Was this a nightmare, Prudence wondered, as her unsteady hand fumbled with the diamond and platinum clasp at the back of her neck.

Hadn’t David said that nine times out of ten when one was backed against an insurmountable wall, a gate would open behind if you put up the fight of your life?  Dave knew.  Dave never surrendered.  He fought.”

Hilltops Clear

Rod cares for her shaken nerves, but she resists feelings for him by pretending an engagement to Jim Armstrong.

He sees through that, eventually, and returns.

1934 sees him in the mirror

Was he real? Her fascinated eyes clung to his in the mirror. How he had changed since the day she had plunged into his arms in the barn!

… Rodney Gerard held out his hand. On the palm glittered a ring.

“Grandmother’s emeralds! Set in my design! What marvelous baguettes! Why did you do it?”

“Is it splashy enough? You said you wanted the stones set, didn’t you–Gorgeous? I would like all my life to give you what you want.”

Hilltops Clear


“Old stuff, old as the world, but it still clicks.”  Hilltops Clear



4 thoughts on “Illustrated Emilie Loring Novels!

  1. It would be wonderful to have a blog post that advised how to safely find the newspaper databases online. Some times it is so difficult to sort through the offerings of Google or Yahoo with all of the potentially dangerous phishing and bugs . . . Thank you for considering it. I’ve enjoyed finding your blog and reading background for EBL’s novels, as I have just discovered her books this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the idea, Tiria. I will try to work it into an upcoming post. What a lot of fun reading you have ahead of you in Emilie Loring’s books! How did you happen to discover her?


    1. Especially in the years following the Depression when fewer books were sold–more checking them out from the library and reading serials in the newspapers.


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